Greetings to all!
Weather has still been an issue with lots of wind and swell. Fishing has been primarily bottom fishing. Though a nice White seabass was landed in February . See FOM below for more info on this beautiful sea bass. There has been some life down around the rockpile but as you know this changes day to day. Yellowtail spots have been popping up on the Coast. A spot even popped up off Pukey Point this last week.
- Last day of lobster season is March 20th.
- White seabass limit goes from 3 to 1 fish on March 15th
- Local Rock Cod season reopens April 1st.
Save the dates-
April 13th will be the Annual Membership Meeting and a Bay Bass seminar. John White from Dana Tackle Shop will present all the latest and hottest technique for fishing the Mission Bay Bass Tournament. As always Ray Fear will put an incredible raffle together. Mission Bay Marlin Club T-shirts will also be available to purchase. The meeting and seminar will be on the spacious back patio at Bay Park Fish Company restaurant. Cost will be 20.00. A taco bar is planned for dinner. The event starts at 12:00 noon. Please RSVP by April 9th – Details in emailed flyer.
April 13th Membership Meeting. This is the time for any members that would like to serve on the board. We are always looking for help and new ideas for the Club. The board meets once a month. A short questionnaire will also be available where you check in for the Seminar. Please take time to fill it out. We can’t improve the club experience if we don’t know what members’ wants and expectations are.
April 20-21 will be the Mission Bay Bass Tournament. This is always a low key fun time. Let’s get the word out and fill the bay with MBMC anglers. Entry Form and Rules
Membership is at 58 MEMBERS. Please renew membership if you have not done so; and tell your fellow anglers about our great club.
FOM for February goes to Chris Bailey for an incredible 71.6 lb white seabass! Great job captain Pat Holmes and the crew on the Hawk.

Remember to submit your FOM weight slip from Dana Landing within 3 days of the catch. Please also submit a photo for our MBMC instagram page. This year’s FOM prize is a Daiwa Saltist Reel

NEW!! – Rules for FOM Marlin release – Marlin tag/release will be eligible for FOM Recognition. All entries must follow all the rules for release published under MBMC Fishing Rules and Regulations – Tag & Release. This includes notification within 3 days and the MBMC Tag/Release Form within 10 days. For FOM, 130 points (pounds) will be awarded for each release that is properly documented. Tie breaker will be awarded to the first Marlin released for the month.
We look forward to seeing everybody in April to begin our seminar and tournament season.
Tight Lines,
Scott Paul, secretary/social