Dear members,
October is upon us. Fishing has been up and down for most boats. Recently Bluefin, Yellowfin and dorado have been showing in decent numbers. Yellowfin size has been great with numerous fish in the 50 pound class caught. Fish have been found as close as 5 miles off Oceanside. The 178, 181, 182 have also been seeing good fishing. Both Marlin and swordfish have been seen. It may be too early to bring out the rock cod gear.
We would like to welcome new members for October.
Ryan Tracey – 21’ Parker
Doug, Blake, and Brock Russel – Fish Dawg, 23’ Parker
Weighmaster Report –
Congratulations to Captain Dave Eisman on Joint Venture with angler Conner MaCauley for landing an 88 pound swordfish.

Connor is not a member so current FOM is a 15.4# Lingcod.
Belated Congrats to Pat Holmes for his September 2 marlin catch and release on 30# tackle. Not included in Marlin Stats because MBMC rules require a photo. Hard to do when you are SOLO!
Don’t forget to put November 18/19 in your calendars for the Rock Cod/Ling Cod tournament .
We will have a seminar or social prior to the tournament. Watch the website for further information.
Getting towards the end of the year. Mark your calendars for the Mission Bay Marlin Club Awards Night. As all that have been to this event it is a fantastic evening with friends and family. It will be held at Tom Hamms Lighthouse on January 27th.
We want to thank our 94 members for all their support this year!
Good Luck on the fishing grounds,
Scott Paul