Test photo Posted on September 13, 2015September 16, 2015 by Larry Oberti Albums Photos Category Name Text 2009 2013 Rockfish Tournament 2003 2004 2005 2006 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 Rockfish Tournament 2013 Tournaments 2013 Tuna Tournament 2013 Yellowtail Tournament 2014 2014 Mission Bay Marlin Club 2014 Potpourri 2015 2015 Angler Awards, Ceremony held January 2016 2016 2019 2019 Awards Banquet 2023 2023 Marlin Tournament 50th Anniversary Miscellaneous Test Album 2003 2004 2005 2006 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2019 2023 50th album and angler anniversary awards banquet bay ceremony club for held january marlin mbmc miscellaneous mission photos potpourri rockfish test tournament tournaments tuna yellowtail Name Owner Tag Text Iptc Exif 002_2A.JPG 012_13.JPG 015_16.JPG 019_20.JPG 100_2962.jpg 1209 - Ivan 3 - Lingcod.JPG 1209 - Scott's Johnny - Lingcod.JPG 1st-marlin-2016.jpg 1st-Tuna.jpg 2014-Bay-Potpourii-barracuda.jpg 2014-Bay-Potpourii-Halibut.jpg 2016-7-24-bens-.png 2022 marlin2.1.jpg 2023 dave eisman 88# swordy.JPEG 20230722_161916.jpg 20230722_161925.jpg 20230722_162015.jpg 20230722_162103.jpg 20230722_162212.jpg 20230722_162300.jpg 20230722_162500.jpg 20230722_162541.jpg 20230722_162550.jpg 20230722_163131 - frame at 0m13s.jpg 20230722_165228.jpg 20230722_175636.jpg 20230722_175741.jpg 20230922_183314a.jpg 20230922_184020.jpg 5 Dave's 1st 2006.jpg a good day.jpg A1 a2 alex reds.JPG April_Buena Onda - Rockfish.JPG April_Scott's Johnny - Rockfish.JPG AUG_1_Front.JPG Aug_2_Front.JPG Aug_3_Front.JPG Aug(1).JPG beak1.jpg Betsy with a nice Albie.JPG BFT140.jpg billy swordie.JPG Block-1.jpg Buena Onda - Tuna.JPG carlin-R1-7.jpg CARLIN21866.JPG checkin1.jpg Chris Bailey.jpg Clint-Bass.JPG clubphotos2013-005-768x1024.jpg clubphotos2013-006-1024x768.jpg clubphotos2013-016-1038x576.jpg clubphotos2013-017-1024x768.jpg clubphotos2013-018-1024x768.jpg clubphotos2013-019-1024x768.jpg clubphotos2013-020-1024x768.jpg 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Rachel - Top Boat.jpg Rachel - Yellowtail.JPG Radar - Top Boat Bass Tournament.JPG Radar - Yellowtail.jpg Radar_2008_Calico_Sandbass_Tournament.jpg Radar-Bass.JPG Raffle 2.JPG Raffle 3.jpg Raffle1.JPG rkfishtrny 002.jpg russell yellow.jpg Samantha - Bass.jpg Scott's Johnny - What's Hot.JPG scott's johnny.JPG Scott's Johnny - What's Hot.JPG seabass.jpg Sean_080308_1.jpg Sept_Front_1.JPG Sept_Front_2.JPG Sept_Front_3.JPG Sept_Front_4.JPG Shawn wsb.JPG shawns wsb.jpg spearfish Squid 003.jpg steve's seabass.jpg Swordfish-1024x768.jpg swordie.jpg T1-768x1480.jpg the alien!.jpg trent.jpg trent2.jpg wahoo1-1024x768.jpg wahoo2-1024x768.jpg waynnes marlin.JPG amosbacher Larry O larry-o 2003 2004 2005 2006 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 Tuna 2013 Yellowtail 2014 2014 Potpourri 2015 Awards 2023 50th Anniversary Albacore Awards Bad To The Bone Barracuda Bluefin Bounty Bay Bratton Buena Onda Calico Carlin Charest Dive Inn Doghouse Dorado Edwards Encounter Green Gross Halibut Hargraves Hasta La Vista Heart Tournament Himmelberger Hulls Hurt Karabik Kaus Laura Lee Libre Lingcod Lively Lively One Luke Malu Lani Marlin Matsuura Mckee Meeker Ogden Perez Pitcairn Pye Rachel Radar Reel Estate Release Rockfish Sandbass Scotts Johnny Shipley Squid Steinhardt Swordfish The Menu Thresher Tournament Tuna Tuna Tournament Wada Weber Whats Hot White Seabass Yasuda Yellowtail Yellowtail Tournament 001 002 003 005 006 012 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 037 0430 080308 09 0m13s 100 1024x768 1038x576 1209 122523 122916 140lb 141045 150x150 161916 161925 162015 162103 162212 162300 162500 162541 162550 163131 165228 175636 175741 183314a 184020 1st 1st-marlin-2016 1st-tuna 2.jpg 2004 2005 2006 2008 2009 2010 2011 2013 2014 2014-bay-potpourii-b 2014-bay-potpourii-h 20141005 2015 2016 2016-7-24-bens 2017 2018 2022 2023 20230722 20230922 225x300 24 25 29 2962 30 3497 449 4692 4697 4701 4702 4703 4704 4705 4706 4708 4709 4711 4713 4714 4720 4723 4724 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hargraves hasta heart her himmelberger his holly holmes hook hot hulls humboldt hurt ii iltt2009 image image-788x1024.jpeg img img958638 img958638-768x1024 inn ivan jackets jeff jerry jerrylively jim joan joans john john-pye-wahoo-225x3 johnny jr july june junior justin justins karibik karstens kaus keller kelley ken kern kevin kevins kyle la lance lani largest larry last laura lb lecture lee lee-bass libre lighthouse limit line ling lingcod lively livelys long luke mako male malu marie maries marlin marlin2.1 matsuura matt may mbmc mckee meeker meekers meeting members menu mike mission month month-long most mother mtg mug muslin muslins new nice not oct of ogden on onda one only oops oopsapr1 oscar oscars outside overall p1000512 pat patrick patton paul paul-gloriab pete pete1 petebeak1 pg14.jpg pg17.jpg pg18.jpg pg25 pg27a pg27b pg30topfemale photo photo* pitcairn plaques potpourii potpourri presented presenter presenting president private pye quite r1 rachel radar rafael raffle raffle1.jpg receiving red reel reels release released representatives rkfishtrny rockfish roy russell samantha sanchez sand sandbass scott seabass sean season seminar sept seth shane shark shawn shawns shipley skipper socializing solo son spearfish species spotted squid steinhardt steve sunset sure swordfish swordfish-1024x768 swordie swordie.jpg swordy.jpeg t1 t1-768x1480 tag test thanking the thing thompson thresher to tom top tournament travis trent trent2 trip trish tuna turnout two up view vista vitale vitalle wada wahoo wahoo1 wahoo1-1024x768 wahoo2 wahoo2-1024x768 warren waynne waynnes weber weighed what white winner winners winning with without wsb yasuda year yellow yellowfin yellows yellowtail yellowtails your yumm Caption Spec instr ACDComment ActiveD-Lighting (Nikon) ApertureValue Artist BrightnessValue CameraTemperature (Samsung) CanonCameraSettings (Canon) ColorSpace ColorTemperatureAuto (Nikon) ComponentsConfiguration CompressedBitsPerPixel Contrast ContrastInfo (Canon) Copyright CustomRendered DateTime DateTimeDigitized DateTimeOriginal DeviceSettingDescription DigitalZoomRatio ExifImageLength ExifImageWidth ExifVersion Exif_IFD_Pointer ExposureBiasValue ExposureMode ExposureProgram ExposureTime FNumber FaceDetect (Samsung) FaceDetect3 (Canon) FileDateTime FileName FileSize FileSource FileType FirmwareName (Samsung) Flash FlashPixVersion FocalLength FocalLengthIn35mmFilm GPSAltitude GPSAltitudeRef GPSImgDirection GPSImgDirectionRef GPSLatitude GPSLatitudeRef GPSLongitude GPSLongitudeRef GPSTimeStamp GPS_IFD_Pointer GainControl HostComputer ISOSpeedRatings ImageDescription ImageLength ImageUniqueID ImageWidth InternalLensSerialNumber (Samsung) InteropIndex InteroperabilityOffset Keywords LensInfo LensMake LensModel LensType (Samsung) LightSource Make MakerNote MakerNoteVersion (Nikon) MakerNoteVersion (Samsung) MaxApertureValue MeteringMode MimeType Model OffsetSchema OffsetTime OffsetTimeDigitized OffsetTimeOriginal Orientation PrintIM RawDataCFAPattern (Samsung) ReferenceBlackWhite ResolutionUnit Saturation SceneCaptureType SceneType SectionsFound SensingMethod SensitivityType Sharpness ShutterSpeedValue Software SubSecTime SubSecTimeDigitized SubSecTimeOriginal SubjectDistance SubjectDistanceRange SubjectLocation Title UserComment WhiteBalance WhiteBalanceFineTune (Nikon) XResolution YCbCrPositioning YResolution Test photo » Category: 2013 » Category: 2013 To see the full size images, you need to enable javascript in your browser. 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