Thanks to the High Count Boyz, Steve Milligan and Bob Nelson as well as Ken Yasuda on the Encounter (Kayak fishing) for their participation in the Halibut/White Seabass Tournament.
Not the best of conditions out there with Southwind on Saturday. They gave it their best, but no qualifying fish were weighed in. We will Raffle off the $50 Dana Landing Gift Card to the Participants at the next Social Event.
Save a place on your Calendar for the next two MBMC Events below:
- June 12th – Tuna Seminar @ Sardina’s Restaurant with John White of Dana Landing Tackle
- June 25 & 26 – MBMC Tuna Tournament / Yellowtail Side Pot (Entry / Rules to follow shortly). Lots of Bluefin showing and kelp paddy yellowtail!
Ray Fear / Kevin Yamamoto
Tournament Chairs