Dear Members,
Hopefully the weather starts to cooperate and boats can get out to fish more. Not much precipitation, but windy. . The Rockcod fishing is now open in U.S. Waters. Be sure and read through the latest Regulations as they have changed this season. There is some quality out there to be caught. . . Bluefin sign @ 50-160 miles, but are biting hot and cold. Daytime biters on bait and colt snipers, nighttime knife type jigs. Water at the Islands is not too pretty, but it is holding Yo-Yo yellowtail. Look for the counts to get better as the wind lies down.

April will be the start of our Tournament schedule. Our first tournament of the year will be our Bay Bass Tournament. This is scheduled for April 22nd and 23rd (fish both or just one day). Let’s make this a great start to the year. Get your friends and family out on the bay for a fun day of fishing. Take a kid fishing, we’ll be sure and reward them for their effort. Remember that Non-Members can fish this tournament provided they are signed up by a member.
The Halibut/White Seabass (May) and Yellowtail (June) Tournaments will be One Month format Tournaments this year . Rules will be worked out shortly for this new layout we are trying. Even if you are not entered in a Tournament. Come weigh-in fish at the Dana Fuel Dock and get a Certified Weighslip filled out (Fuel Dock Staff will assist you). This will give you a great chance to win FOM (fish of the month) if you are entered in this. We had NO fish weighed in for January, February, and March. So, whoever weighed in a fish would have taken that month’s FOM prize.
Member Directories and Cards are available now. Big thanks to Kent Yamada for putting this together again. We would also like to give a huge thank you to outgoing President Shane Hurt, longtime Board Member Billy Vitale, and Jerry Lively (two-time past President, Boardmember, and Member of many years). With outgoing Board Members, we would like to bring more people into the mix on the Board. Please do not hesitate to contact any Board Member regarding this. Contact info. is available in the Member Directory. The more people that get involved, the more we can do for the Club.
This past weekend we had the annual Member Meeting and included a Seminar. John White from Dana Landing Tackle graciously offered to speak at our seminar. He offered his insight on Mission Bay inshore fishing. We heard great tips on areas to target, best conditions to use different techniques, and of course the latest hot gear that is getting bit. There are many new bay techniques and gear that are hot. If you missed the Seminar, visit Dana Landing Tackle for advice. Those people fish EVERY day and know what’s biting and on what. The Raffle had a lot of great new gear for the Bay Bass Tournament. Everything from Japanese Swimbaits to Alabama Rigs, much of which was generously donated by John White @ Dana. Big thanks goes out to them! The Member Meeting was good as we now have new Board Members sworn in.
President: Ken Yasuda
Vice President: Paul Himmelberger
Secretary: Scott Paul
Treasurer: Tommy Baronner
Tournament Directors: Jim Kelly / Kevin Yamamoto
Social Director: Scott Paul
Weighmaster: Kevin Yamamoto / Jim Kelly
Our next big event will be the MBMC 51st Anniversary Celebration. We are planning on having two ORIGINAL members, Paul Himmelberger and Jim Valentine speak at the celebration. Stay tuned on details for this. In the meantime, we are working on updating our website to modernize and add some features.
Another reminder if you have not signed up yet for the 2023 year, the dues will be increasing to $150.00 on June 1st. Get renewed by May to save the $25.
As always please share the MBMC with your friends and family and get involved with these great Seminars and Tournaments. Send us your pics of having fun fishing, we would love to post them. Look forward to seeing everybody in the 2023 fishing season.
Tight lines,
Scott Paul