Dear MBMC Members,
May is quickly upon us. Fishing has been streaky at best. The bluefin showed up for a brief moment, but with windy conditions the water temperatures dropped and fish counts followed.
Rock Codding continues to be good on both the North and South nine. The good news is that yellowtail have showed up in increasing numbers on kelps so keep your eyes out on the water. Don’t forget the lesser species. . Member Nick Kane took the time to get in on some big sand dab fishing.

The Bay Bass Tournament was held on 4/22-4/23 with 9 anglers participating in the event. The Hargaves Family on the ‘Radar’ won the tournament. A big congratulations to Board Member Jim Kelly for his 28 pound Bluefin caught on 4/22/23. Jim takes home the honors of FIRST TUNA FLAG OF 2023 along with Fish of the Month for April!

To all our members please take pictures of your catches or events on the water and send them to us. We would love to post them.
Our membership has grown to 61 members. Remember, on June 1st dues will increase to $150.00 so get signed up now. We want to welcome new members Mariusz Wysoczanki, his son Gabriel, and Carl Schultz. They are fishing on a 32 ft. Yellowfin named ‘Vitamin Sea’. Nicholas and Juli Beth Hinds also joined the MBMC this month on their 22 ft. Dorral ‘Pilar’.
We have a couple of events scheduled coming up. The first will be our Bluefin Tuna Seminar and BBQ. This will be held at the Marina Village Deli on June 17th. Food will be served from 2-3:00 pm. Be advised food service will end at 3:00. John White from Dana Tackle will discuss Bluefin strategies. This is sure to be a great seminar. John has always provided a vast amount of knowledge and new techniques for catching bluefin. A free Burger with fries & a soft drink will be provided for Members. Non-members pricing is $10. A raffle will also be held, tickets will be for sale at the Event. Flyer sent via email.
July 22nd we will celebrate the Mission BayMarlin Club’s 50th Anniversary. A little belated (pushed back a year) because of all of the Covid stuff. This will be held at the Bay Park Fish Company from 4-7pm. We will have 1974 alumni share their stories of the early days in the club. Past Presidents Paul Himmelberger, Bob Smith, and Jim Valentine have been invited. Shirts marking this occasion will be available for purchase. A Flyer will be distributed shortly.
The MBMC Halibut / White Seabass Tournament is this month. We have changed to a One Month format this year. Since we are getting a late start, there will be NO Entry Fee. All you have to do is fill out the Entry and submit it to enter. Prizes will be nice MBMC Award Plaques for the Largest qualifying fish. Link to Entry Form & Rules.
Finally, the Southwestern Yacht Club has an open invite to everyone for their Bottom Fishing Tournament to be held May13. This is a Charity Tournament to benefit the ElderHelp Non-Profit. You must weigh in at the SWYC scale in San Diego Bay. It could be easier to drive over your catch if participating. Should be a good event for a great cause. Check-out their website for further details.
Mark your calendars for these Events and watch out for future MBMC Seminars and Tournaments.
Tight lines,
Scott Paul
MBMC Secretary/Social